Welcome to our Annual Report for 2022-23. Over the past year, we have seen our services return to ‘more normal’ delivery.  Face-to-face service delivery has once again become the norm, and our group activities have resumed.  We have been mindful that while some people were keen to get back to face-to-face services, after nearly three years of Covid restrictions, some people were nervous of more community based interaction.  We have worked hard to reassure people that our services are safe, and we have provided additional support for some people to get out and about.

Whilst this report is mainly a reflection of our work in 2022-23, it is important to recognise that moving forward we continue to face a number of challenges; not least the current cost of living crisis that affects everyone – our staff, volunteers and of course our service users. With high inflation, we are also experiencing increasing costs of running the charity.  Inevitably, our service commissioners will face difficult decisions about spending and we will need to find new and creative ways of planning, funding and delivering our work, ensuring that our services to visually impaired people in Derbyshire continue.

This report gives a flavour of our work over the past year. We hope you enjoy reading about our achievements.

Picture of Claire Winfield, Chief Executive

Claire Winfield,
Chief Executive

Image showing Martin Wilson

Martin Wilson,

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