The Census happens every ten years and counts the population of England and Wales. It asks questions about your household, their ages, occupations and general questions about health, to help with planning services in your community like health, education and transport. It also helps charities like us plan our work and bid for funding. Taking part in the Census is a legal obligation.
Census Day is Sunday 21st March, and this year’s count will be ‘digital first,’ which means everyone will be encouraged to complete their Census questionnaire online. The survey can be completed on any smart device and should only be completed by a trusted person on your behalf. You will receive a unique code by letter to access your personal questionnaire.
If online access does not work for you, there is support available to help you complete the Census. You can ask for a paper questionnaire to complete, a large print questionnaire, and guides for completing the Census are available in large print and Braille. Click the Help with accessibility button for more information from the Census website.
You can also call the freephone Census contact line on 0800 141 2021 to ask for a paper questionnaire, to complete your Census over the phone, or to find a Support Centre near you – it is hoped these will be able to open as restrictions ease. Find your nearest support centre online by clicking on the button, and entering your postcode on the Census website.