Sight Support Information Day – Ilkeston

Jun 16, 2021

Image showing Sight Support Information Days banner

Arena Church
1 Rutland Street

Thursday 22nd July 2021

Bookings by appointment only

We are delighted to be hosting a second information event in July, in Ilkeston.  We have put measures in place to keep you and our staff safe, so the event will run a little differently, but our welcome will be as warm as ever.

Booking is by appointment only, please call us on 01332 292262. You will be able to book a one-hour slot at either 10.30am, 11.30am or 12.30pm, to come and see what services we can offer to support you.  You can bring a friend or family member along if you wish; you will also need to book the same time slot for them. Please just bring one person with you, so we can see as many as possible.

You will find these measures in place:

  • Hand sanitiser available on arrival.
  • Screening for Covid symptoms on arrival.
  • A one-way system in place, with separate entry and exit doors.
  • Regular sanitising of stalls and equipment.
  • We will keep note of your contact details until 21 days after the event, so we can notify you if you may have come into contact with someone who later tests positive for the coronavirus.

We ask you to:

  • Wear a face covering inside the building (unless you are exempt).
  • Use the hand sanitiser provided.
  • Stay away if you have any symptoms of Covid – a new, dry persistent cough, a fever, or loss of smell or taste.

Additional information:

  • If you have been waiting for a home visit from us, please tell us when you book, as we can do this during your visit.
  • There will be no refreshments at the event.

If you have any questions about the event, please call us on 01332 292262.